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A Love Story

Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. 

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

1:41 AM - a little video i did for my dar dar

My darling has not been feeling well the last few days. So here is a video to cheer her up.

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

2:59 PM - The Break Up

Watched the Break Up yesterday at Bugis.

I must say it was a good movie. The characters are so relatable. We have probably been in the same situations and said the same things, or at least contemplated some of the things that happened in the film.

The basic premise of the film is that a couple who bought a house together, have a big fight one fine day, call it quits, and are forced to live under the same roof until the house is sold off. What follows are the usual hijinks as they both try to outdo one another in the hope that the other party caves in and apologises. Of course the much needed apology never comes and both parties are left to pick up the pieces. The supporting cast are brilliant too. They add all sorts of interesting situations and perspectives to the problems the couple face. I guess you can say the cast say all the things the audience is thinking, which is what makes it so enjoyable.

One of those films that leaves a lump in your throat and gives you food for thought. The ending is so tragic. I guess you can call it the anti-date film.

In many ways this movie made me re-think lots of the little things that goes on between me and Agnes. And how much she means to me. We could easily end up like the protagonists in the film. Too many times we try to change the other person to our point of view, and not contemplate how we can change the way we can do things for the benefit of the other person.

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

12:28 PM - The Wedding

Yesterday was Agnes and mine anniversary.We celebrated 1 and a half years together. Agnes said that it was 'quite fast,hor?', but i feel like we been together longer than that. But still it is a milestone in our relationship. We are already talking about getting a house and planning a date for our ROM. But to me the main thing holding us back is the small fact that Agnes is still studying. There is the financial aspect of the situation as well as the fact that Agnes has to juggle her school and marriage preparations. But I think we can find a way.

So how did we celebrate our momentuous occasion? We attended a wedding! Not any ordinary wedding, but the wedding of Alexander Warmenhoven and Hui Yin. Hui yin moved to Holland when she was young and been there ever since. Hui Yin is Agnes's primary school friend and they been keeping in touch ever since via snail mail and even e-mail. Most times I look upon attending weddings as a chore. They are usually a total waste of time (and money). They become quite meaningless and the only reason i attend most times is to give 'face' to the family. In fact saving face is what makes such weddings such a fiasco. The wedding occasion which should be about the couple and their union together, but instead it becomes an occasion for family and relatives to preen and prune. In fact the couple become quite an afterthought in the planning of most weddings.
But this wedding I rather quite enjoyed. It reminds me about what weddings are all about. The bride and the groom. Mostly the bride, but that is a topic for another blog. The fact that i was under-dressed for the occasion was besides the point. I had put on a black pants and a blue short-sleeved shirt. At most weddings that would be par for the course, but at this wedding almost everyone was in evening gowns and suits. Those less predisposed to dressing up came in long sleeved shirts and ties. I felt rather inadequate to say the least. At least I can console myself that I did not come in a polo shirt and jeans.
In fact in retrospect I should have dressed up better. It is often too easy to dress down at such occasions. The Singaporean mindset is to wear as little as possible because Singapore is 'hot and humid'. So when you do dress up people give you curious stares and think you are some weirdo from outer space.
Anyway..back to the wedding. It was in many ways how I envisaged my own wedding to be. There was no excesses or extravagance. Everything made sense. The music was tasteful. No Final Countdown or Kitaro during the grand entrance! The room consisted of 11 tables which I think is about right. The problem is that at many weddings we tend to be more focussed on the number of guest rather than the quality. There is even the amount of hongbaos you can receive to consider when deciding who to invite. And when you designate who should sit where, you must always bear in mind any animosity between your guests. So it becomes one big jig saw puzzle. A logistics nightmare to say the least. You have to not only ensure that everyone at the table will not kill each other but also make sure that the so-called important people are nearer to the stage! *groan*
The food served was almost typical chinese wedding dinner fare. But I must say the quality was better than most other weddings I been to. It helped that mnay of the people who went for the food tasting 3 days earlier are in the F&B line so little if anything got past them. And all done in 3 days!
Since the couple and their families live in Holland there was a european flair to the whole occasion. There was even dancing. I love that. I am scared as hell to dance. But I think at my wedding we will dance..dance...dance...
And unlike most weddings you attend the guest actually danced and had a ball of a time, no pun intended. Even the asians in attendance joined in. There was even an impromptu rendition of Lady Marmalade performed by the bride and her 3 lady friends.
Even after the wedding dinner proper was over, Agnes and I were fettered to stay back to chit chat. So we were there until past 12 am. Which is not something we do often. Cinderella has to be back before the bewitching hour so that curtails any extended nights out for us.
I must say I rather enjoyed the wedding despite it being on our anniversary. I would not mind attending a few more of those, but I am not holding my breath waiting....

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Monday, May 22, 2006

5:23 PM - Rain

I finally got a "My Little Pony" which I have always been dreaming about since I was young. Her name is Rainbow Swirl, which I named Rain for short. She is so pretty! Love her so much! Leon gave her to me maybe as a 15th month anni present. Hehehe.....

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

10:01 AM -

I finally started my own research this week. Managed to get a few pots of the plant which I'm studying at a nursery. Lucky. Eversince lab started, I have been going to school super early and going home late. So super damn tired everyday. This is only the beginning and I'm already so tired. Don't know how to survive through the rest of my graduate life. So, today, since i have a meeting at 3pm, I not going to do anything concrete today. Just simple experiments and do more of reading up. Tomorrow then do the rest of the long experiments. Haha...

Going to Bintan this Sat with Leon, much to the disapproval of my family. But I just went ahead. I always tot that my family are quite modern in their thinking, but now i think they are not. It's really dampen the spirits when u are going for holiday w/o family support. I do hear some remarks which i find a bit insulting from them. But I know they are protective of me..So i didnt argue back or wat. Maybe in future when I have a daughter, I would do the same too.

When young, I always have a dream of my family coexisting happily with my husband. But from the way things are now, I dun think this will happen. Firstly, language barrier is one factor and attitude is another factor. My family used to like leon in the past, until he did someting incorrect. Till now, I also dunno how to save the relationship. Sometimes, feel so stuck between them. Like a sandwich in between. Can feel very tiring at times. haiz....y cant they all just tok happily and have fun together even w/o me present? Or am I asking for too much?

Recently, I started to think that leon has a bad temper. Sometimes, he will pull a long face w/o me knowing why and wouldnt even tell me when i asked him. It can be very irritating at times. SO most of the times, I just choose to ignore him. I cannot imagine my life like this in the future. Things are going to get worse when we stay together after marriage. I know he loves me but if this is the treatment I going to get, then i rather he don't love me. Maybe this is the stage in a relationship when tings are getting ugly. If we can survive through this, we can conquer everyting in the future. I attended a course in the past when this stage is called the normalization stage if i remembered correctly. This stage is inevitable in all kinds of relationships. If can pull thrug this, then we are ready for marriage. :-)

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

1:40 AM - I LOST MY RING!!

I did it again!!! I lost my ring!! Exactly after a year, I lost my ring! This is in fact the second time I lost this ring. The first time happened in office and fortunately, i managed to find it back. But this time, i'm sure I can't find it back. I dunno when and where i lost it but I'm sure I lost it in Parkway parade, either at Bossini or Giordano while digging for clothes due to the cheap price. What high price to pay for trying to lelong cheap clothes. I didnt even realise I have lost my ring until I stepped into my house!!! Boohooooooooo..............

This ring sure have sentimental value. Leon and I bought it when we were not even 1 month together. Bought it at Bugis junction. i have been wearing it eversince. But now I have lost it. Nothing can describe how I'm feeling right now, the heart pain and sadness. Maybe I should go back to Parkway tomorrow to search for it. See what leon says..........

Arrgghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why am I always so careless??!!!

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

9:49 AM - Post CNY blues

That's it!! The end of the 4 long days of holiday!Shit!I know I'm supposed to use the holidays to catch up on whatever I have no time to do during school term. Supposed to practise piano, read and try to understand the clueless lectures I have been atending, do lab report, read more, research etc etc...But in the end, I ended up spending of the time sleeping, watching tv and of cos eating! Now I feel a bit gulity. Hahaha....

Now back to school, in the GC-MS room. January has passed. I have survived!! I must say it is a very fulfilling month even with all the stress and stuffs. So it's one month down to graduation. Yayy!Must remind myself to stay postive and happy always. Me still trying to adjust to my new life. Everyone close to me is trying to help me adjust to my new lifestyle too. Must thank everyone for their kind support and encouragement. :-)

On Fri,that is eve of CNY eve, Leon and I went to watch the geisha movie. Quite enjoyed the show. After the show, we had a short drive around Chinatown when suddenly, I felt an attack of faintness. Initially, I felt a bit stuffy in the car, but don't know why suddenly felt giddy and super out of breath! My first thought is I'm hungry since I didnt eat much during dinner time, so I started muching on biscuits to see if it helped. Think I was so scared that my whole body started trembling. It only stopped when I reached home and see mama. All along Leon was with me..but somehow,I only cooled down when I saw my mum..Think mum still makes me feel the most comfy!! :-)

Eversince the attack on Fri, I'm super alert and sensitive to stuffiness and hunger. Always have the feeling that I will faint anytime and always feel out of breath!Dunno issit me or wat but I think it somehow got something to do with my gastric problem.

Saturday (Eve of Chinese New Year) was a total rest day for me since I has suffered so much on fri. Had a nice reunion dinner with my family and then watched tv. Sun and Mon was quite similar to Sat. Yest, went Sentosa with Leon to see the Flowers show, NOt veri impressive to me as they have lotsa of chrysanthemum and quite little of everything else. I'm allaergic to flowers which explained why I couldnt stop snezzing after that.

My prof just handed me back my first draft of the report. Think I did badly. So many corrections and stuffs. Hiaz...wonder if she regrets accepting me as her student. So stupid and jus cannot make it. I feel so demoralize also....haiz....but of cos, this is my first time writing a lab report after so many years. Hope I improve over times. haiz.....Wish I'm still on holiday!

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

10:55 AM - Random thoughts

Chinese New Year is coming. I think this is my first stressful CNY since I have quit my job. There is my piano exams to worry about and my lab report and my study module. Cant really just go party all night long like I used to. Frankly speaking, I did miss the relaxed lifestyle I have back then when I was working. After knock off time, I could just do whatever I wanted without worrying for homework and exams and tests. However, if it's within working hours, I do prefer my lifestyle now. At least my brain is working and I don't have to try so hard to look busy cos I'm really busy!

Wonder how I can spend the long holidays fruitfully. Have time for family, my schoolwork, piano and Leon. Got to talk to Leon to sort out and plan. Meeting him later after school. He's coming to my house for a quick dinner and goes home after that since I have to study for a test tomorrow. Anyhow, a short meeting is preferred than not meeting at all. Got a saftey test tml, heard it's only for 30mins. I just read thru the materials I have...hope to do well tml........

I think my life will be easier after this year cos i have 4 compulsory modules to complete this year. Next year should be better with only one module to take per sem and if there is a following year after next (if I decide to go for a PhD), then life will be even easier cos no more modules, just plainly research and research.

Wonder when I can get married with a lifestyle like this now. Me getting old. If I get married now, my husband needs to be very understanding to me and must understand that we cant have babies now cos will add additonal burden to me. Not very fair to the him I know.....

This Muthu cant seem to get his hands off my experiment! Kept meddling into my affairs! I don't know how long I can tahan! If he is of help to me, I don't mind but the thing is, he kept messing my things up!! Sicko!

Lastly, Happy Chinese New Year to the CHinese and Happy Holidays to the non-Chinese. :-)

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

11:36 AM - From Agnes

This blog was created by Leon for both of us. It has been inactive for some time with no new postings. Me today shall do some justice to this blog. This is my first time blogging, so don't really know what I should write. Don't intend to get a blog of my own cos I know I won't maintain it. Just drop by here when I feel like posting something.

School has started for me. Initially, I kept asking myself whether or not I have made the right choice in returning back to NUS for a postgrad studies. For one thing, I have lesser time for Leon and my dear piano. My family are supportive of me in whatever choice I have made since I have already gotten the basic degree which is enough to get a good job with a reasonable pay, but not good enough to get me into the org i want to join. Thus, I made the choice to leave my job and back to Uni, hoping to get a higher degree and apply for my dream org again after grad. This choice has a high price to pay. Not much personal time, not much time for sleeping,shopping, playing blah blah blah. Sometimes can get very discouraging also when my research did not work well or most of the lecture materials I don't understand or totally clueless. A lot of catching up to do since I have stopped studying for 4 years. So super stressful and worrying! Think I have become super kaisu after back to school!!

My supervisor of my research project so far seems nice. She is very encouraging and understand that I have absolutely no pharmcy background since I was from Chemistry major. So she does helps me out here and there but how long can I depend on her? Can't go knocking on her door for everything I don't know or not sure of! Have to depend on myself. Read more, study hard, be consistend, have a positive attitude, never say die attitude!! hahaha.....

Leon and I have deicided to meet up on fri and sat of each week, leaving the other days for me to study or wat. I know it's a bad thing cos there is always a risk of us drifting further and further apart since we spend lesser time together now. I leave it all to fate. Don;t seem to be anything much I can do. Hiaz......

Me now in my research lab typing all these....very discouraged today cos the stupid GC-MS machine is contaminated causing inaccuacy in my results!! waste my 2 days of hard work preparing the samples.Now need to wait for one night of flushing the system before I can run my samples again. I shall make good use of the free time to study for the totally clueless lecture which i have attended on Tuesday.

This morning came ot my lab and saw my things missing. Suspected Muthu, a research assistant in my lab, asked him and he said no. I really don't believe him!! SHIT!!

Btw, today is Leon and mine 11 mth anniversary!! yayy!!!! so fast!! 11 mth liao!!! hope we will have many more years to come!! :-)Wish us all the best!

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

1:10 PM - National Day pictures

On National Day Agnes and myself went down to the Chinese Garden's to take some pictures together. As it turned out we did not have all that many good pictures together. It was a bright and sunny day. so the pictures turned out quite well. Of course that was at the expense of being tired,sweaty and hot while posing and walking around the premises...


Think this is my favourite picture of the lot.


Agnes looks good in pictures. Which in turn makes me look bad in them.


Agnes in a shu nu moment.


Any takers for a shampoo commercial?


The princess and the frog.


And by the way...the one above is the princess...


Us at the top of the 7 storey pagoda.


Love is bliss


The Chinese Gardens are having their annual mid-autumn latern festival in september. And this is one of the many props we found around the park. An elephant no less.


Security was tight due to the public holiday.


Grandpa Leon and Grandma Agnes were never the life of the party.


Us sitting in a wedding sedan.


Behold the blushing bride-to-be


A picture of agnes taking a picture of me taking.. umm... a picture of her...


Us standing next to a strange creature (no idea what it is supposed to be though) with an amusing appendage in his nether region.


Agnes by the lake.


Leon is distracted by something (or someone).


Agnes likes this pic for obvious reasons.


A Moment of Contemplation


A volcano and water-walking dinosaurs at the main lake.


A man in my position should be smiling a whole lot more.


Another picture Agnes likes.


At the foot of a wise man.


Another nice picture we took together.


The walls at the indoor display at the Tortoise and Turtle Museum are lined with articles and pictures. What you see here is only a portion of what they put up.


Agnes having a close encounter with one of the chelonian residents. What struck us most was the passion the owners of the place have for the animals. Too bad financial support and the facilities do not match up to their enthusiasm.


Agnes on the bridge surrounded by hundreds of tortoises.


A bridge over troubled waters.


A photo op not be be missed.


This is how we looked at the very beginning of our trip.

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Sunday, June 12, 2005

9:19 PM - Agnes at Hans for dinner


"Must eat ah?"

Focus is everything...

We get a closer look at the honeydew slice.

The look of helplessness...

Yippie...she has done it

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Sunday, May 29, 2005

12:37 AM - Our Desaru Trip on Vesak Day

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Friday, May 27, 2005

2:38 PM - Tarsiers galore

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Sunday, May 15, 2005

12:57 PM - some goofy pictures

"Arrghhh!!" A fearsome looking pink dolphin.

Agnes strikes an arty type pose. kinda reminds me of those faded pictures our grandfathers used to hang in their closets of naked women. only with the clothes on.

..and she smiles demurely at the camera...

The pink dolphin in happier times.

A family picture. Baby does not appear too amused though.

Daddy comes to the stark realisation of how ugly his baby is.Wonders if he is the real father.

Decides to raise the baby as his own although he is uncertain who the real father is.

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