Think this is my favourite picture of the lot.

Agnes looks good in pictures. Which in turn makes me look bad in them.

Agnes in a shu nu moment.

Any takers for a shampoo commercial?

The princess and the frog.

And by the way...the one above is the princess...

Us at the top of the 7 storey pagoda.

Love is bliss

The Chinese Gardens are having their annual mid-autumn latern festival in september. And this is one of the many props we found around the park. An elephant no less.

Security was tight due to the public holiday.

Grandpa Leon and Grandma Agnes were never the life of the party.

Us sitting in a wedding sedan.

Behold the blushing bride-to-be

A picture of agnes taking a picture of me taking.. umm... a picture of her...

Us standing next to a strange creature (no idea what it is supposed to be though) with an amusing appendage in his nether region.

Agnes by the lake.

Leon is distracted by something (or someone).

Agnes likes this pic for obvious reasons.

A Moment of Contemplation

A volcano and water-walking dinosaurs at the main lake.

A man in my position should be smiling a whole lot more.

Another picture Agnes likes.

At the foot of a wise man.

Another nice picture we took together.

The walls at the indoor display at the Tortoise and Turtle Museum are lined with articles and pictures. What you see here is only a portion of what they put up.

Agnes having a close encounter with one of the chelonian residents. What struck us most was the passion the owners of the place have for the animals. Too bad financial support and the facilities do not match up to their enthusiasm.

Agnes on the bridge surrounded by hundreds of tortoises.

A bridge over troubled waters.

A photo op not be be missed.

This is how we looked at the very beginning of our trip.