It has been a while since I last posted anything here.
Agnes is going away to Kuching from the 10th to the 13th. I will so miss her while she is gone. I miss her even if it is for a few hours let alone a day. I know Agnes feels the same way too.
We once had a discussion about this. We seem to pine for each other all day long. But it somehow becomes anti-climatic when we finally do meet. Not that we are not blissfully happy. Just that we look forward to seeing each other so much that the somehow the payoff should be more than it is.
I thought about it. And I think being without Agnes is like being without a body part. Silly as the premise may seem, I cannot be without her. without her is like having no eyes. Or no ears. Or no tongue. Hahahaa...gross as it may is the only explanation I can think of to describe how I feel about it.
And when we are together,I am complete. A whole person once more.
To paraphrase a line from Jerry MacGuire; 'She completes me.'
Sunday, May 08, 2005
7:46 PM - You had me at hello
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